Important Microorganisms in Food

Let us study to know about the microorganisms. As the name indicates these are small living forms of life, which we cannot see with e naked eye. Microorganisms are the most ubiquitous in nature. Six major groups of microorganisms are generally recognized, namely bacteria, fungi, virus, algae, protozoa and rickettsia. Some people often confuse and almost always I misunderstand, their functions, but they are just as real and alive as you are. They eat, grow, reproduce and die.

Have you ever wondered just how small microorganisms really are? Molds can be seen with only slight magnification by the use of an ordinary magnifying glass. Yeasts must be viewed through a microscope that magnifies several hundred times. Bacteria can best be seen when studied with a more powerful microscope that enlarges 1,000 times. Bacteria, yeasts and molds can be found everywhere. Scientists have gathered them fiom clouds above mountaii~to ps and in the deepest parts of the ocean. They are present on animals, human beings and even in the air we breathe. Microorpallisms have a direct impact on our daily lives. Some are helpful. They aid our bodily processes by helping break down complex foods into simpler substances. Some, called germs, are harmful to us by the role they play in causing diseases.

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